The New CW Network: "Free" To Be Together?

So this was probably the case with only a percentage of people living in America, but who was offended by the new, excessive, overly-lime-green, dazzle campaign used to launch the new CW Network? - and this is the part where all the Black folks raise their hands, and if you're not raising your hand, well, read on.
If I have learned anything from living in America, it is that you are only as popular as the two sides of your speech; meaning if you're going to give to the people, give to all the people, without favoritism for color, creed, etc, etc, etc, at least this is the theory that is "America." I am all for that, but honestly, sometimes you need a UPN. When, you ask? Well, when every commercial you see on your television does not represent you, when the shade of the folks in the TV ads echo your own only when the product for sale is chicken (because, well...Dave Chappelle did the chicken joke better so I will not tread upon his territory). My entire point is that the "new" CW will only be as successful as its ability to please both constituencies it is playing to - or rather, pretending to play to.
Issue, "free" to be together? - their new slogan. Should I be clapping hands and standing in ovation to parent companies CBS and Warner Brothers simply because they put some Black faces next to some White faces? Was this previously against the law? Why did it take them so long to achieve this goal? - I'll tell you why, from day one, the television set was created to sell products, everything that came after was incidental - and to whom was the sale being made? White women who happened to have the television on while ironing; and to some extent, this is still how television marketing has evolved, which means, unless that woman in her A-line 50s dress, let us call her Margaret; unless Margaret approves of the programs being brought forth, they a) never see the light of day, or b) become relegated to some ungodly scheme of distribution, aka, the UPN - and now you think I'm employing doublespeak. Well, I had nothing against the UPN, nothing other than the absolutely putrid shows they chose to represent Blackness with, ("Cuts," come on!) but at the end of the day, I could turn to UPN and see a fancy car commercial with some Black faces, you know the kind, the ones with the sleek effects that say 'we're trying so hard to get your money because you're worth it.'
Well, you can forget those days, the new CW Network (does that stand for Colored + White?) will not be catering to the Black man seeking, or aspiring to buy that brand new Jaguar, scratch that, they will not be advertising to any Black person who does not happen to crave some chicken at the moment. And now you say why is it so important that we are advertised to. Well, if I had to explain that, I would not know where to begin, suffice to say as money is power, and power is action, if the powers that be believe you will buy that Jaguar, what stops them from respecting your city, fixing your sidewalks, caring for your children's future, respecting you as a person?
Look to the new CW's weekly line up and you will find that any semblance of Blackness, with the exception of Ms. Tyra and her forever fierceness, have been relegated to Sunday, you know "Sunday," church day, might as well call it Black folks day, right? OK, so now I'm being facetious, but if this isolation of Black shows tells you anything, let it tell you this - the new CW Network is anything but freedom!(anything but new). We, and I mean Black folks, are being duped, yet again, and as Baldwin said, "Americans misinterpreted desegregation to mean integration...I'm not sure I want to be integrated into a burning house" because integration is a dirty word. Give me back my UPN, bad shows and all, as long as at the end of the day, I feel heard, wanted, even if only by the Ad man and his million-dollar campaigns.
You are so F-ING right, babe. I said this awhile ago when I first found out that UPN's most successful show, "everybody hates chris' was being shoved to the back of the line on a broke ass Sunday. No offense to Sunday but it's not exactly your popcorn eating, stay up late to watch until the end kind of night. It's the say before Monday, work or school day- and nobody likes to say goodbye to the weekend. The CW is bogus. And I'm beyond pissed at that f-ing song, "free to be together...bullshit"
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